Words of Hope

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Good Christian Family Movies

Thanks for joining us! In our world today, there are so many distractions. It is easy to lose focus on our relationship with Christ. What we feed our mind with is very important. It is good to have family devotion, personal prayer time and devoted bible study. But after all that, what are we feeding…


We are sharing words to encourage, inspire and empower. Check out our latest posts to stay recharged along life’s journey. Easy Ways to Exercise at Home Why Does Our Body Need Water? What’s the Big Deal? Improve the Glow as You Grow How to Save Time on a Busy Day Don’t miss a beat! Subscribe…


We say Congratulations! Activators are people who not just “say” but they “do”. These are people who have been working hard for Christ. People who are selfless, humble, respectful and people who go above and beyond. These people stand out because they are not the typical christian. We live in a world where wrong is…


Many people have a busy lifestyle. They are busy bees. There is just always something to do! For others they just have a busy time each year. Well, we understand all this and we would love to help. We are giving away a free gift to all our subscribers! This gift helps you to stay…


Most people are aware that lemons boost our immune system because they have vitamin C. But there is so much more. The benefits of lemons are tremendous and we would love to share some of these benefits with you.

Bible Quiz #4

Its quiz time! Take a break from your busy routine and lets have some fun! Put on your thinking caps On your marks, get set, go! Identify the book, chapter and verse of these scriptures.


No matter what life throws at you there is still hope. We understand that we are all our brother’s and sister’s keeper and so we have created a support system to share words of encouragement with you. If you experience any difficulty after selecting read more above please let us know .

Remember to Nominate

Hello friend, Nominations will soon be closed. Have you met an activator? These are people who make things happen.They not just “say” but they “do”. Do you know someone who has been working hard for Christ? Someone who is selfless? Someone who goes above and beyond? This person stands out because they are not the typical…

Dialing The Wrong Number

Hi family,Who do you dial when you are angry, excited or in need of comfort? Are you dialing the wrong number? I know there is someone out there who may have shared a secret with a “friend” or it could even be a relative and came to regret it afterwards. And why is that so?…


Hello friend, Have you met an activator? These are people who make things happen.They not just “say” but they “do”. Do you know someone who has been working hard for Christ? Someone who is selfless? Someone who goes above and beyond? This person stands out because they are not the typical christian. Think about your inner…

Battery Power Loading…

Hi family, Are you charged up? For many of us using our smart phones have become apart of our daily routine. Some receive a mini heart attack when their battery power runs low and some simply cant go anywhere without having their charger close by. The batteries need power in order to keep running. This…


Hi family, As christians everyday we make decisions. On this christian pathway we may be tempted to go left when we really should be going right. But let’s stop for a minute, before we make our day to day decisions like for example what I should eat, what I should wear, what phone to buy…

Words of Hope in Song – Week 3

Family, We already looked at the tremendous health benefits of singing in week 1. This week we want to share with you some more words of hope in song. We hope you receive a blessing! God’s Grace Will Always Be Greater Than Sin Remember to donate to the cause. Blessings! Psalms 33:1Psalms 96:2 Get My…

Book Corner

Are you an avid reader? Do you want to improve your relationship with Christ? We have amazing books just for you! Choose from the world’s best. We have organized a special selection of books through Amazon. Choose from our top selection to improve your relationship with Christ. Happy Reading!! Remember to share the great stories…

Half Empty? Or Half Full?

Hi family, For a brief moment think about a glass that has water poured half way into it. Is this glass really half way full or is it half way empty? For some they believe it is half way empty. They look at the short-comings. They compare things with the ideal and just can’t seem…


We invite you to register for our exclusive bible club. God’s word is worth the read! You will receive monthly bible lessons absolutely FREE! So why not start your bible reading journey today? If you already started now is the perfect time to resume. God is calling you to spend more time with Him in…

Bible Quiz #3

Its quiz time! Put on your thinking caps and lets have some fun! On your marks, get set, go! Identify the book, chapter and verse of these scriptures. Question 1.Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. Question 2.For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God…

My Bible Reading Corner

Family, God’s word is a light unto our feet and a lamp unto our path. He wants us to spend more time in His word. God left His manual for us but many bibles are only opened at church or during certain times of the year. God’s words bring hope, joy, peace and reassurance. In…

Words of Hope in Song – Week 2

Family, Last week we looked at the tremendous benefits of singing and we sang about God’s amazing love! For the week ahead we would like to share some more words of encouragement with you in song. We want you to remember that your life is in God’s hands. Have a great week! Remember to donate…


Family, Do you remember the last time that you went shopping? Some people shop every day, some weekly and some wait until the end of the month and do one big shopping. They prefer to buy everything for the month all at once. Some people shop in families while others shop alone. Shopping lines are…

God Loves You! Have Faith and Trust God’s Timing

Family, God loves us so much! Mornings are indeed better when we talk to God first. Don’t forget to have morning devotions and remember always that God knows what is best for you! Just trust Him. I was blessed by this post and would love to share it with everyone. Remember to donate to the…

Bible Quiz #2

Its that time again family! Put on your thinking caps and lets have some fun! The deadline for this quiz has passed. Identify the book, chapter and verse of these scriptures. Question 1.For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have…

Words of Hope in Song – Week 1

Family, As Christians everywhere we are encouraged to keep a song in our heart. And why not? When we sing those lovely gospel melodies, it not only draws us closer to Christ but singing has wonderful health benefits too. Who knew?! ♦ Singing improves the immune system. ♦ It is a great way to relieve…

No Ordinary Apple

Hi Family, Fruits! Fruits! Fruits! Some people like apples or oranges. Some even grapes. What is your favourite fruit? Apple is a popular choice because it is nutritious providing a rich source of vitamin c and fibre. Ofcourse we all know the saying, an apple a day keeps the doctor away. But did you know…

Bible Quiz #1

Lets have some fun! Test your knowledge of the scriptures. Are you still sharp? The deadline for this quiz has passed. Identify the book, chapter and verse of these scriptures. Question 1.For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give…

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